With any given dream or a project there is always a question that follows. “ How much will this cost me?”
You can hire my editing services for as little as £50. However, that only includes the basic up to 3min video edit to your chosen audio. Any other price on top depends on these factors:
How long is the required video? How much footage will I need to go through to find what is needed? How much time is given for editing? How complex are the effects wanted?
Will You require a few different options to choose from?
Either way we can always find solutions that will suit Your budget!
Contact me for a quote. -
All depends on the amount of effects, colour grading, quality of footage, amount of raw footage, response time and etc. Easy and simple edits- 24hr turnaround, as long as I am not working on other projects at the time. If You would like an estimate time, drop me a message!
Yes! I provide discounts for on-going clients and bulk projects. The rate of the discount can be discussed after the completion of the first project.
I use Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects
I have access to both! Amazing variety of audio from Artlist.io and high quality footage from Artgrid.io